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Cheap EasyJet flights to Moscow

Thank you EasyJet for your cheap flights between Moscow and London/Manchester!!! I don’t know what we’d do without you!!!

Thank you EasyJet for your cheap flights between Moscow and London/Manchester!!! I don’t know what we’d do without you!!!

Now I can book a return flight to England for about £100 whereas before the price tag for that kind of trip with other airlines would be about £200-£250 unless you book well in advance. We are planning to come to the UK in October for Peter’s friend’s wedding plus visit some family and friends.

It’s so nice to know that you can save money :)

Easyjet started servicing Russian capital only in March this year. The company won over Virgin Atlantic to secure the rights to this route (which I’m very happy about as I love Easyjet!). I only wish it happened earlier, as it was such a pain to get to Moscow from Manchester as I either had to make a stop in Prague (it was my usual choice), or take a train to London. Now things are so much easier! I hope this will help boost tourism between two countries, especially from the UK, as I believe Britain is already a pretty popular choice for Russian tourists. There is so much to see in Moscow! Now I only hope that Russia’s visa issuing process is not too complicated (like for UK , haha)! I heard that they want to introduce a short term transit pass for 72 hours for people to roam around the city before boarding another flight.

They say:

Leisure and business travel to Russia is likely to grow with the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics and the football World Cup in 2018. Travel website TripAdvisor said searches from the UK for Moscow hotels had doubled since the cheaper flights went on sale. (source:

Let us hope they will quadruple soon, and we’ll see more Britons walking around Moscow admiring our architecture, eating out in our cafes, and shopping for some Matreshkas (Russian dolls).

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